June 20, 2020

It is time for a serious conversation about Reparations for slavery.  Watch "Represent NYC" special on #reparations, the history of slavery in New York, the economic inequality, redlining, and the momentum behind this political justice movement. 

RENT: Evictions, Vouches and Hikes ...Oh My!

June 19, 2020

NYC prepares for mass evictions as moratorium's end nears and  #RepresentNYC, board votes to freeze rents and NYS Assembly Member Harvey Eptsein  talks about the #rent relief program that offers for $100M Rent Voucher Bill for tenants affected by coronavirus 


June 19, 2020

#Juneteenth has never been a celebration of victory, or an acceptance of the way things are. It's a celebration of progress. It's an affirmation that despite the most painful parts of our history, change is possible––and there is still so much work to do.   Twitter@BarackObama


Say Their Names: 50-A Repealed

June 19, 2020

Governor Cuomo Signs ‘Say Their Name’ repealing 50-a and banning Chokeholds and much… the repeal of 50-a into law, the bill which up until now has allowed law enforcement to shield police misconduct records from the public.