Check out upcoming Youth Channel programming!

It’s been a difficult week for New Yorkers, but our youth are strong and we know they’ll continue to be bold in the face of struggle and hardship. Next week on The Youth Channel, watch programming that features outspoken young people who are taking charge of their own lives.

Watch “YC Power Hour” and “The Spotlight” for a youth take on societal issues, watch “We Are Here” and “Bridging the Gap” for stories on sexuality and gender, add some sci fi to your week with AMOS, and “NIGHTCAP” for an inspiring story about a young filmmaker.

The Youth Channel airs programming every weeknight from 6-7pm on MNN4 (FiOS 36, RCN 85, Spectrum 67 & 1998) and MNNHD (Spectrum 1993). To learn about MNN’s Youth Media Center and the work they produce, click here.

Check out the upcoming schedule below:


Monday, November 6
YC Power Hour

The YC Power Hour is a creative, youth-driven program that covers news, entertainment, and current trends within NYC and the world while keeping a light-hearted down to earth tone.


Tuesday, November 7
The Spotlight

On this episode of "The Spotlight," guest hosts Simone Dixon and Maximilian Mejia discuss Donald Trump, Jr. and Starbucks. The show wraps up with a performance by pop singer/songwriter, Laura Rizzotto.


Wednesday, November 8


We Are Here

LGBTQ youth take back the media and share experiences that have empowered them to speak up and send a message of positivity to the youth of color questioning their sexuality.
Produced during MNN's Youth Media Center Summer Program 2016.


Bridging the Gap

Looking back at our experiences and sharing them is the bridge that forms between our generations. “Bridging The Gap” is a piece dedicated to finding an understanding between the young and old in the LGBTQ community.

Thursday, November 9

An extraordinarily lonely teenage boy develops superpowers that he cannot control and slowly becomes a species separate from the human race.

Friday, November 10

Next in NIGHTCAP’S new six-part Career Day series is another filmmaker, but she is representing all the women directors out there. Twenty three year old Brianna Abdullah started making movies in her teens and in a short span she has written and directed various short films including, “First Love”, “Clasp”, and “Wanna Fix A Flat?”

Her newest, “Bittersweet,” explores the woes of online dating from the male perspective. In this film, actor Amari Smith plays Aaron, who goes through some not so pretty hurdles in his quest for love. Tune in to see some scenes from the film and to get the goods from Brianna and Amari as they reveal some movie-in-the-making moments.