The face of content has changed dramatically over the past decade. The introduction of alternative avenues to connect with the public has altered the way the public consumes media. Fear of Millennials starting a cord-cutting trend, where they consume TV solely through the Internet, may not be as immediate as recent statistics predicted, but it does point toward a shift in view culture. YouTube alone garners 4 billion views per day -- more than three times the total United States population. Content producers need to stay on top of consumption trends and get into the basics of branding.

Building a Brand

Today, content producers need a brand behind their production. The brand is the foundation for content. Every blog post, video, Pin, and picture should drive the brand message in some way. Use every type of communication avenue, including:

  • Blog posts
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • YouTube
  • SnapChat
  • Pinterest
  • Industry-specific aggregators
  • Traditional media
  • Mobile channels
  • And more!

For most producers, a brand starts with a story. Powerful storytelling and taking a lead role in the community often starts with a powerful message. Before anyone can take the center stage, they need a background that drives engagement.

Multi-Channel is the Only Channel

In today's inundated digital world, the only way to tell a compelling story is by pursuing it through different avenues and using all types of media. Dove's "Real Beauty" campaign is one excellent example of a story the propelled results. Using the basic concept of a woman today, this brand broadened the definition of femininity and pushed a message of self-respect and beauty available to the average lady. The "Real Beauty" campaign included pictures, blogs, videos and a fast moving social media campaign. By incorporating all methodologies, Dove created one of the most successful marketing campaigns of the 21st century, all through the use of powerful storytelling.

Define the Audience and Drive Engagement

Before a producer can gain mass market appeal, they need a defined audience. Telling a complex and high-level story to a group of elementary school students is unlikely to generate results. When an author or marketer knows the audience, they can choose the right platform to start from. Many TV shows garner added engagement by using viewer's tweets or Facebook comments as a voting method. Others might publish games that mimic in-show situations. Some movies have thrown up entire websites strewn with Easter eggs for their fans. The goal is to engage with the audience and motivate a change or behavior. By leveraging all possible avenues of communication, keeping the message foremost and clearly defining the audience, content producers can start to gain traction.

