Entering the massive media market fresh out of school presents unique challenges. Most production companies want experienced help, so it can be tough to find a job. Putting together an independent project requires a lot of money, and entry-level positions fill as fast as they post. That leaves new grads struggling to get their resumes to reflect their actual skill level. With the right combination of education and unpaid experience, new grads and entry-level applicants can show the needed skills to get considered for video production jobs.

Writing Your Resume

A resume tells a prospective employer what skills and experience an applicant brings to the table. When experience is an issue, there are ways to structure a resume to highlight skills and education above hands-on work. Be sure to include final projects as a separate section, and always include links to a portfolio. Applicants who can demonstrate their work don't need to have as much time invested in work experience. Of course, these "student" credits should drop off as soon as possible, but they can be a good way to help break into the job market.

Alternative Ways to Gain Experience: An Internship

An MNN internship is one way to get a lot of experience in a hurry. As an intern, those without production experience get the chance to help shepherd a video production from start to finish. Sure, interns are the bottom of the organizational chart, but that just means they get to do a little bit of everything.

Finding Internship Opportunities

For television production, New York is the place to be. It is a lot like Hollywood for the Silver Screen. Manhattan Neighborhood Network (MNN) offers a variety of internship opportunities ranging from summer programs to youth channel programs that can lead to paid positions. Available on a 12-week cycle, these programs help students and new grads get the experience they need in a real-world setting.

Going the Certification Route

Sometimes, the best way to demonstrate practical experience is through certification. A recognized certification program like the one offered by Manhattan Neighborhood Network shows prospective employers a guaranteed skill set. MNN offers everything from basic to advanced classes, and even includes the use of mobile media production.

Getting On-the-Job Experience Before the Job Offer

A well-written and documented resume can only go so far without experience. Adding internships and certifications can be a great way to put classroom lectures to work. They can also be a solid networking opportunity, getting those new to the business out there and interacting with experienced professionals.

Also See: 3 Tips for Promoting Your Show Through Social Media
