Build your audience and engage with viewers on a new level. Follow these tips to get the most eyes on your shows.

Remember to follow MNN on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and Vimeo and share content with your viewers!

We are constantly featuring and promoting YOU, our Community Producers, and the great programs you produce! Feel free to share our content with your social media fans and followers.

Promoting Your Show

  • Keep your information up-to-date
    • Use your Access Center login to make sure your latest content is available for streaming anytime on MNN's website, FREE. Make sure all your current web and social media links are up to date.
  • Tell your existing viewers how to engage with your content. Send your Facebook friends and Twitter followers links to your video channels, and include your user names in every episode of your show (either verbally or on the screen via text or a QR code).
  • Cross-promote. Every time you upload or post new content, share the link on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Make sure you tag yourself, MNN, and any participants in your content, and use relevant #hashtags so people can find your content. Use Facebook’s business suite to connect your Facebook and Instagram accounts. Consider using a social media management tool like Hootsuite or even Canva’s built-in social media tools to post across multiple accounts at the same time. 
  • Build great graphics. Use free apps like Canva to create social media graphics and even generate free QR codes.
  • Tell people! Old-fashioned word-of-mouth still works. Tell people you see or meet in person about your show and where they can see it.
  • Add value: Post behind-the-scenes photos, short videos, Lives, and reels. Poll your followers. Ask them what they want to see.
  • Keep it fresh. Update your channels, pages, and profiles with new content regularly to encourage viewers to like, follow, subscribe, and share. 
  • Network. Find other MNN producers, YouTube or Vimeo users whose work you like, and connect with them. Leave them a comment telling them you like what they’re doing, and share a link to your profile or one of your videos.
  • Build an email list. The only distribution channel YOU control. Gather email addresses from people who opt-in (it’s the law) and use an email newsletter service to send regular updates about new episodes, special guests, and to cross-promote your other online content.
  • Make a promo. A video promo gets people excited to watch your show and tells them when and where they can watch it. These promos get aired on MNN's five cable channels. We can't recommend it enough! 
    • Create a 30-second promo that includes the name of your show along with the time, day, and MNN channel(s) on which it airs. Include your show's website and social accounts. (Please note that you must have a regular series in order to have a promo on MNN. If you have a single you cannot submit a promo on MNN. MNN will not air promos that contain adult material; see our Programming Policies for reference.)
    • Once your promo is ready: simply upload it to MNN and select promo in the drop down menu of the upload page. And be sure to post it to your social channels, too!

Don’t forget to follow MNN on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube