This Week On MNN We Celebrate National Authors Day
The U.S. Department of Commerce first acknowledged National Authors Day in 1949. However, it was first recognized by enthusiastic reader and teacher Nellie Verne Burt McPherson on November 1st 1928.
The Bronx Buzz is a program produced by MNN’s sister station Bronxnet. Hosted by Gary Axleback, The Bronx Buzz invites journalists, writers, and creatives from across all genres to discuss their work. On this episode Gary is joined by author Ana Ortiz to talk about her very first published book, Cuentitos. The two go into detail as to what inspires her to write these stories.
Sunday 1 PM / Wednesday 7 PM
New American Youth Ballet Presents is a lively NYC youth dance troupe based in Manhattan. In this episode we meet accomplished writer, storyteller and illustrator Peter H. Reynolds. Mr. Reynolds has been acclaimed around the globe for his best-selling book Stories For All Ages, about protecting and nurturing the creative spirit. Join us for this wonderful discussion.
Sunday 1:30 PM / Wednesday 7:30 PM
Dialogo Democratico is a long-running show on MNN that introduces viewers to community leaders from all walks of life. On this episode host Maria Luna welcomes writer, professor and youth leader Alfred H. Kurland to talk about his book: The Soul Of Adolescence Aligns with the Heart Of Democracy. This compelling book takes us through Kurland’s journey of discovering his life’s purpose. Maria Luna conducts the interview in both Spanish and English.
Sunday 2 PM / Wednesday 8 PM
Diálogo Democrático es un programa de larga duración en MNN que presenta a los espectadores a líderes comunitarios de todos los ámbitos de la vida. En este episodio la anfitriona María Luna recibe al escritor, profesor y líder juvenil Alfred H. Kurland para hablar de su libro El Alma de la Adolescencia se Alinea con el Corazón de la Democracia. Un libro convincente que nos lleva a través de su viaje para descubrir el propósito de su vida. María Luna también comparte sus habilidades bilingües con nosotros ya que conduce la entrevista en español e inglés.
Domingo 2 PM / Miércoles 8 PM
Join us beginning Sunday, November 6 at 1PM and Wednesday, November 9 at 7PM on MNN HD (Spectrum 1993).