Narrative 2

Storytelling is a powerful and the most effective way to communicate your ideas. Here are some tips that can help you enhance your narrative stories:

Develop a message: Plan your story starting with a clear and concise takeaway message. Regardless of what type of story you are telling, it's important to communicate your story's central theme or plot definitively. 

Establish a clear structure: There are several ways to structure a story; all stories have a beginning, middle, and end. Every story also includes an inciting incident, rising action, climax, and resolution.

3 Act Structure-2

Create Conflict: Every great story possesses challenge and conflict. Conflict creates drama, action, reaction, and tension. All narratives have protagonists that experience obstacles and hardships. To create a compelling narrative, your audience must watch the main characters struggle to achieve their goals. 

To learn more about storytelling techniques, join us on Wednesday, March 24th, for "Introduction to Narrative Storytelling." Explore the art of narrative filmmaking with acclaimed screenwriter and director David Riker. Plus, check our upcoming classes at