MNN helps Manhattan residents improve their production skills through certification classes and workshops that encompass video production, writing, editing, and marketing. Producers that have come through MNN have gone on to create Academy Award-winning films, host cable TV shows, and work for major networks. To become a certified producer, students must attend an upcoming orientation.

Manhattan Neighborhood Network (MNN) broadcasts programming over five public access channels in Manhattan for local residents to produce and share community-based programming.

Become a Certified Producer


Kickstart Your Video Production Career and Education at MNN 

Manhattan residents of all ages can begin their video production education at MNN. Take the first step and sign up for an upcoming orientation, where you’ll learn about the certification process, our facilities, and additional benefits of being a certified community producer.

Once you’ve taken our certification courses you will have access to our studios, state-of-the-art equipment, video editing software, and air your show on our television network.

Many former MNN students and teachers have gone on to have illustrious careers as producers, including David Riker, a former MNN teacher, who produced the Student Academy Award winner for dramatic film, “La Ciudad” in 1995.

Additionally, Chris Gethard, an MNN producer from 2011-2015, took his public access talk show, “The Chris Gethard Show” to cable TV for three seasons. Showing that with hard work, dedication, and a great story, you too can have a successful video production career.


Break Into the Video Production Industry: Kickstart Your Video Producer Career at MNN


Becoming a Certified Producer with MNN has significant benefits. We’ll help you launch your video production career with the experience you need to be successful.


What Does A Producer Do? Identifying Your Role in Video Production

Producers oversee every facet of a video production project. They make sure all crew members are in alignment throughout the production and are tasked with delivering a high-quality video on budget and on time.


Pre-Production Responsibilities

Video production begins with a story. In the development phase, producers will formulate their story and pitch it. Additionally, they’ll conduct audience research, develop their production plan, determine the budget, and identify key metrics. Once the project is approved, producers move the production into pre-production.

During this stage, producers share their strategic vision with the team and assign production responsibilities to the crew. Since producers oversee all creative, financial, technological, and administrative decisions during production it helps to have a network of videographers, video editors, assistant producers, investors, and on-screen talent at their disposal.

  • Together, their trusted team will execute the projects production plan. This includes:
  • Draft the production script or outline
  • Finalize a shot list
  • Create a script breakdown of props, talent, locations, and sets for each scene
  • Map out the production schedule
  • Scout locations
  • Determine the look of your video (production design and video look)
  • File for insurance and location permits
  • Secure and test production equipment

Once the crew has finalized the story, understand what needs to be shot to tell that story, have secured their locations, and reserved equipment the project can proceed into production.


Production Responsibilities

Once production starts, producers become laser-focused on delivering the project on time and on budget. Their three guiding documents for this stage will be the schedule, script, and budget. If equipment breaks and the production needs a replacement, it goes through the producer. If the project begins to lag, the producer expedites the timeline. They keep the entire production moving and make sure it crosses the finish line.

Larger projects may have producers for individual aspects of the project. These productions often have more moving parts as a result of the bigger budget. In turn, they’ll need specific producers to manage different aspects of production like graphics, filming, and the budget.



Responsibilities In post-production, producers will work closely with editors to tighten up the video, ensure all scenes are cohesive and necessary and coordinate the post-production schedule. Producers and editors will collaborate to deliver the final cut of the video to key decision makers on the project prior to distribution.

After the project is completed, a producer’s job is still not finished. Producers now need to determine how to distribute the video and what its purpose is based on initial goals. Generally, videos are distributed with promotion, monetization, or site traffic in mind.

Having clear goals from start to finish can facilitate success and further your skills as a video producer.


Identify Your Role in the Video Production: What Does A Producer Do?


Skills You Should Learn to Get Hired as a Video Producer

Producers must be strong communicators and effective problem solvers in order to keep their production on track. Video productions will often have many unforeseen challenges, and the best producers will make sure their team stays on schedule and within budget. Beyond these characteristics, the best video producers have discipline-specific objectives which include:

  • Master Visual Storytelling
  • Pitch, Develop and Create Video Content
  • Manage Multiple Video Projects Simultaneously
  • Relevant Video Production Experience
  • Proficiency in Video Editing Software and Production Equipment
  • Expertise in Video Analytics and Strategy


Become a Better Job Candidate: 6 Skills That Will Get You Hired as a Video Producer


These skills are essential to launching a successful video production career. While many people still opt for traditional film schools, alternatives like MNN enable Manhattan residents to attend certification classes and continue to grow their skills.

Those who have passed our certification courses are able to air their shows on our network, take more advanced classes, and develop skills that make them better storytellers, project managers, editors, and job candidates.


Have you thought about becoming a Certified Producer?