Reviews of Clyde's, Tick Tick Boom & i Sex in the City
Charles Gross, Leslie (Hoban) Blake and their guests reivew Clyde's, Tick Tick Boom & Is There Still Sex in the City
Two on the Aisle
A lively and entertaining show that does for the theater what Siskel & Ebert did at the movies. Theater critics Charles Gross & Leslie (Hogan) Blake truly square off on the latest Broadway and off Broadway hits. (Or are they misses?) And when they can't agree on a show, look out.
Latest Episodes
Skeleton Crew, Music Man, Clue, Cyrano
Reviews: Skeleton Crew, Music Man, Clue, Cyrano
Sweatshop Overloard Chicken & Biskets Alex Roe
Charles Gross & Leslie (Hoban) Blake are joined by Eva Heinnamann & Miriam Gross for reviews of Kirstina Wong, Seatshop Overloard & Chiken & Biskets plus an interivew with Alex Roe Artistic Director of Metropolitan Playhouse
This Week on MNN
This Week on MNN we spotlight National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.