The Radical Imagination: Imagining a New Left Turn: Discussing the work of Stanley Aronowitz

Seven months ago, “The Radical Imagination” was created based on the leftist ideas of activist Dr. Stanley Aronowitz.

On this episode of “The Radical Imagination,” co-hosts Jim Vrettos of John Jay College of Criminal Justice and Michael Pelias of Long Island University at Brooklyn, sit down for a discussion about Dr. Aronowitz’s book, “Left Turn: Forging a New Political Future,” and the urgent need for change in our capitalist society.

Firehouse TV’s “The Radical Imagination” airs every Sunday at 8:00 pm on MNN1 (TWC 34 & 1995, RCN 82, FiOS 33 or streaming live) and MNN’s new HD Community Channel (TWC or streaming live). Catch the repeat every Thursday at 8:00 pm on MNN4 (FiOS 36, RCN 85, TWC 67 & 1998 or streaming live) and MNN’s new HD Community Channel (TWC 1993 orstreaming live).

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