Sibling the Forgotten Mourners

March 13, 2022

On this show Dr. Gloria Horsley and Dr. Heidi Horsley discuss with Dana Brophy and Zander Sprague author of MAKING LEMONADE: Choosing A Positive Pathway After Losing Your Sibling the impact of having an adult sibling die.  Zander and Dana discuss their personal responses and give suggestions for promoting health and healing.  Billy Bensing singer songwriter and Kelly Garmire close the show with their song Always dedicated to all those who have loved and lost.

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About the Program

Open to Hope

The award-winning TV series, "Open to Hope," hosted by Dr. Gloria Horsley and Dr. Heidi Horsley. Each episode will to introduce you to people who have suffered loss and again found hope. Open to Hope is the largest online grief resource in the world with over 1 million visitors a year; we invite you...

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