On the Next Represent NYC: Solitary Confinement and Charter Schools with NYS Senator Bill Perkins

On any given day, about 4,000 people are in isolated confinement in New York State prisons. On the next "Represent NYC," Bill Perkins of New York State's 30th Senatorial District and his guests discuss his bill to change the practice of solitary confinement in New York State prisons. 
Senator Perkins and his guests also explore if New York City's charter schools are delivering on their promise to improve education.
Joining Senator Perkins are his special guests, his summer interns, who provide their unique insights about these two key issues.

Watch "Represent NYC" this Sunday at 7 pm and Wednesday at 9 pm on MNN1 (TWC 34 & 1995, RCN 82, FiOS 33) and MNN's new HD Community Channel (TWC 1993) or stream it live on mnn.org!

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