On the Next Represent NYC: Funding Human Service Nonprofits with NYC Council Member Helen Rosenthal

Over 2.5 million New York City residents rely on nonprofit agencies that provide critical services such as food pantries, after school programs, mental health support, and senior services. Yet these agencies are grossly underfunded, putting millions of New Yorkers at risk.

On the next episode of Represent NYC, District 6 Council Member Helen Rosenthal welcomes Allison Sesso, Executive Director of the Human Services Council, and Fred Shack, CEO of Urban Pathways, to discuss the importance of addressing this funding crisis.

Watch "Represent NYC" this Sunday at 7 pm on MNN1 (TWC 34 & 1995, RCN 82, FiOS 33) and MNN's new HD Community Channel (TWC 1993) or stream it live on mnn.org!

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