Active Aging Stories
Retirement can be a kick-off to new challenges and satisfaction in all aspects of life, such as tennis, yoga, Tai Chi, dancing and our most recent program, "Sex and the Senior." Don't miss these programs.
Shirley Joel
How to love media-and take center stage
A multi-talented media professor and an eagle-eyed health expert
How to deal when your life changes course
Two women facing change, making choices. How they did it.
2 women heavy-hitters in media
2 women media figures, one a major producer of consumer news, the other still interviewing central figures in NY life.
Getting and holding a front row seat to NYC history
An artist making goddesses in her living room, and the woman who keeps an eye on the NYC political circus.
How to live a "creative" life.
Living the creative life can be a challenge: a pair of artists follow their passion, a retired teacher still sparks young minds.