Using MNN's Community Member Portal

A quick guide for getting started with MNN's Community Member Portal for new members and returning members alike!

Here’s a step-by-step guide to getting started with MNN’s Community Member Portal. 

New Members | Getting Started:

If you’d like to get started with MNN, follow these easy steps!

  1. VIsit On the top right corner of the webpage, click on the “Login” button. You will be redirected to the Community Member login portal.
  1. Towards the bottom of the page, underneath the “Login” button, you will see “Don’t have an account? Create one.” Click on the text that says “Create one.”

  1. Enter the email address and password you would like to use and click the “Create Account” button.

  1. Please fill out the form titled “Sign Up to Become an MNN Member!” entirely and complete the required reCAPTCHA before clicking “Submit.” Once the form is successfully completed, please click the green “Continue” button at the top right corner of the webpage. 

  1. You are now in the MNN Community Member portal. At this point, you can simply create a project and, if you already have content you’d like to share with us that fits within our content guidelines, you may upload that content for distribution on our channels. Otherwise, if you’d like to sign up for orientation, you can do so by clicking on the “Sign Up” green button under “Use Our Studios”.

  1. Complete the form with your information and then select a date for an orientation that you wish to attend.
  1. Please make sure to join us at orientation. Once you’ve attended, a staff member will mark that you attended orientation in our system within three business days, and from there, you may reserve studio spaces or editing stations as you please! In the meantime, you will get this screen when you try to reserve a space before you either attend orientation or before staff approve your usage of our spaces.

From here, you’re all set! Continue below at “Reserving Facilities” and onward to learn about how the rest of our system works. 

Existing Users

  1. VIsit On the top right corner of the webpage, click on the “Login” button. You will be redirected to the Community Member login portal.
  1. Towards the bottom of the page, underneath the “Login” button, you will see “Don’t have an account? Create one.” Click on the text that says “Create one.”

  1. Enter the email address you used for MNN when you first signed up and use a memorable password. Doing this will allow MNN’s new system to recognize you and display your existing and active projects. If you do not remember the email address you used, please contact for assistance. Otherwise, you can continue with another email and recreate your projects. If you do this, please contact to have them mark you as having attended orientation so that you may continue to reserve facilities.


  1. To create a new project, on the homepage of the Member Portal, click the green “Create Project” button and complete the Show Registration form in its entirety and hit “Submit.” Once you’ve done that, at the top right corner of the page, click the green “Continue” button.

  1. You should now see your project on the home page of the Member Portal

  1. From here, if you’ve already created your content, you may upload each episode individually by clicking the green “Upload” button.

  1. Complete the form in its entirety, making sure to select the channel you would prefer to have it aired on, along with a preferred airing time and date. Please note that we cannot always accommodate these requests, and MNN will use its discretion when necessary in scheduling content for airing. Click the green “Continue” button to continue to the upload portal.

  1. Upload your content by either dragging the content over to the upload box, or clicking the box and finding your content from the window that appears. Once you’ve done that, click the green “Upload” button that appears. Please make sure that your content follows our Content Guidelines and Policies, which you can find under the Policies or Guidelines sections of our website.

  1. Your upload is successful if your Project window shows the following, i.e., a “Re-upload” prompt in case you need to reupload your content:

  1. Once your content has been approved and scheduled, you can view the airdates by clicking “Show Schedule” in the menu at the top of the webpage!


  1. You may select a facility to reserve by clicking “Facility Reservations” at the top of the webpage. Make your selection on studio type and then select an available time slot.

  1. Once you’ve scheduled your facility, you will receive an email with a link to complete a Preproduction Plan form before your reservation is confirmed. Once confirmed, we’re excited to help facilitate your production!


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