
The New York City's Civic week started on Monday, April 8th. This means public schools all over NYC will participate in events that promote civic participation, because being civically engage can help a young person succeed[1] and shape NYC's future leaders. 

This is part of Mayor Bill de Blasio's @democracyNYC agenda. 

Civics Week will encourage students to register to vote and participate in activities that empower their voices in our democracy. Find out more by searing the #YouthVoteNYC. 

"In order to strengthen our democracy and mold the next generation of leaders, we need to begin teaching our kids the importance of civic engagement early in their lives," said Mayor Bill de Blasio. "With Civics Week and programs such as Participatory Budgeting, we're empowering our kids and reminding them that they have the power to spark change in their communities by using their voices. I encourage everyone to participate in Civics Week to continue creating a fairer and stronger democracy at home and across the nation."


During Civics Week, students at Department of Education schools will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of activities that will help students hone their public speaking skills, encourage them to participate in Participatory Budgeting, connect students with community leaders and elected officials, and give students an opportunity to participate in town halls to discuss issues that matter to them and their communities.

Also, hundreds of high schools also will be hosting student voter registration events, with the goal of registering thousands of young New Yorkers.

Civics Week and the student voter registration drive are part of Mayor de Blasio's 10-point democracy agenda known as DemocracyNYC, which aims to increase civic engagement and strengthen democracy locally and nationally.   

DemocracyNYC Ten Point Plan

Take Big Money Out of Politics
We will rewrite our campaign finance laws to make them the strongest in the nation

Make it Easier for New Yorkers to Vote
We will make voting easier, simpler and more accessible in every neighborhood, for every voter.

Cybersecurity Plan to protect NYC Elections
The City will bring all of its expertise and technology to the task of protecting the integrity of our elections, rolling out a series of enhanced cyber security measures.

Appoint Chief Democracy Officer – Voter Enfranchisement Initiative
New Yorkers will have a leader in our government dedicated to one thing: Giving every citizen a voice. 

Get Every Young Person Ready to Vote
Rolling out a comprehensive set of voter registration drives aimed at high school and college students. 

Civics for All: Civics Education for all Public School Students
Our public schools will be dedicated to giving our students the tools they need to be active, productive participants not just in our economy, but in our democracy.  We will begin teaching civics in every New York City public school.

Get Civic: Making it Easy for New Yorkers to Run for Office and Join Civic Institutions
We don’t just want New Yorkers to vote, we want them to participate in how their communities are governed and run for office. 

NYS Voter Access Agenda
Goals: early voting, same day voter registration, no-excuse absentee ballots, electronic poll books, pre-registration for 16- and 17-year olds, and the consolidation of primary elections.

Online Disclosure of Lobbyist Meetings 
We will lead the way when it comes to informing New Yorkers about who is attempting to influence their government. 

Get Counted: Comprehensive Citywide Census Outreach
In New York City we will adhere to the simple, clear, constitutional value that every single resident must be counted. The 2020 Census will have a major impact on how money and power are allocated in our national government. 





[1] https://www.academia.edu/16372927/Jobs_Jobs_Jobs_The_Economic_Impact_of_Public_Work