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During the pandemic, figuring out how to make videos remotely is a new challenge. Plus, due to COVID-19, you may not always have access to a fully equipped production studio. If you're interested in creating content virtually, here are some video production types that lend themselves to remote production:

  • Explainer Videosare short and engaging animated videos that empower businesses to tell stories about their brands, products, or services. Simple graphics and straightforward language define these videos. Explainer videos typically take a high-level look at how the product solves a problem.
  • Tutorials: are some of the most popular types of how-to videos that demonstrate how to do something to viewers. These step-by-step tutorials are entertaining as well as informative.
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  • Interview/ Talk Show: typically focus on one person answering questions on a specific theme. This style of video is up close and personal. The interviewee might be an expert on the subject matter or just someone with an interesting opinion on the topic.
  • Video Podcast: is simply a podcast with a video element. The video element could be as simple or as complex as you like, but it often consists of a single static shot of the hosts and guests.

To learn more about producing content remotely, Join us for the free workshop "Virtual Video Production" on April 16th. Plus, visit to browse our upcoming Spring classes.